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Change Agent Essentials

Adopting New Ways of Thinking

Key Foundational Development for Aspiring Change Agents

Exceptional Change Agents aren’t born; they’re trained.
For future professional masters of the art,
the journey begins with the essentials. 

Course Curriculum

The Change Agent Essentials course introduces those wishing to establish themselves as accomplished change practitioners with the prerequisite fundamentals necessary to make it happen.

Whether you want to become an impactful change expert within an organisation or an independent professional, this course is where the rubber meets the road.

Focusing on four fundamental areas of study, delegates will be introduced to the core knowledge base and skills all exceptional Change Agents possess, gaining an indispensable foundation from which to build such valuable expertise for themselves.

Visualise the work

Learning to provide the infrastructure for change by creating a comprehensive map of the entire organisation is key. These maps illustrate the organisation’s relationship to customers, suppliers, end-to-end workflow and the marketplace. You will gain the skills to determine exactly which elements require visualisation and emphasis and to construct end-to-end business visualisation systems.


Perfect the work

Continuous change is a journey towards perfection. It ensures the delivery of business objectives by consistently and perpetually identifying superior, cutting edge ways of delivering value. Obtaining skills to evaluate the ways in which a business improves will develop your capability to analyse how the systems of improvement can be aligned to customer, employee and business outcomes.

Measure the work

Understanding work measurement is a crucial skill in the Change Agent’s arsenal. Adaptive business measurement systems focus on how work is generated in response to customer needs and how value flows through the end-to-end business. As you acquire this understanding, you will learn the difference between volume metrics and flow metrics, as well as business and customer outcomes.


Develop the workforce

Absorbing the importance of work-climate and culture with regard to how they influence the behaviour and decisions of a business is critical for the aspiring Change Agent. You will be able to utilise the knowledge cycle of Engaging, Learning, Leading and Improving. You will develop a comprehensive knowledge of the essentials of business adaptability.


Pre-Course Preparation

Introductory reading material outlining the course concepts will be made available ahead of time. Additionally, delegates will provide basic information about a real business situation they are encountering. Preparation may be undertaken individually or as small teams if delegates are from the same organisation. Finally, you have the option of completing a personal learning plan to identify your strengths and weaknesses to help you get the most out of the course.

Course Enquiry

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