CLIMETRICS® – The Business Diagnostic for Adaptability

The Sense and Adapt approach changes climates, work-climates that is. We help organisations create internal adaptive climates that lead to long-term prosperity and differentiation.

Why Climate Matters


For all species in nature, the climate is everything. It determines which animals survive, propagate and diversify. It’s the reason why palm trees don’t grow in Antarctica and why you won’t find a polar bear swimming in the Caribbean Sea. Both thrive because of perfect adaptation to their local environments.

In business, understanding the external competitive climate is critical. These days, a business’s ability to adapt can be a matter of life and death. The question is: Do you have an internal work-climate capable of sensing and adapting fast enough to stay in the game and get ahead?

Your work-climate is an essential factor in predicting how your business will respond to external pressures and produce long-term prosperity, growth and sustainability. Understanding what your work-climate says about your adaptability must be a priority.

What is your Work-Climate?


Staff members, managers and leaders perceive, feel and think independently. However, when those perceptions, feelings and thoughts combine in the context of your business, the work-climate within which it operates is revealed. In short, your work-climate is the synthesis of human engagement with your business. Just as in nature, climate is a dominant force.

This combined climate of perception and feeling has been proven to have a more significant effect on the behaviour of your staff and your customers than anything else. It is the primary indicator of business performance and offers those who understand it potent powers of prediction.

Businesses that know how to adapt to constant change are far more successful than those that do not. If you know how to interpret it, your work-climate is the ultimate predictor of customer experience and an accurate barometer of future growth and success. Suffice to say, few competitive advantages have ever been more desirable than mastering the art of prediction.

What is Climetrics®?


A remarkably unique organisational diagnostic system, Climetrics®, has been designed with and founded on 15 years of targeted international business research in both the industrial and the academic field. It is specifically designed to provide any business with the insight it needs to succeed in any market.

Climetrics® analyses the work-climate of your business and identifies areas in need of improvement.

Unlike the weather, which we cannot change, if your business’s work-climate is not yet optimised to drive long-term growth and prosperity, we can provide you with the tools and methods to change it.

The Climetrics® diagnostic provides insights into the following business attributes:

  • Operating strategies

  • Operating structures

  • Managing practices

  • Perceptions, feelings, and behaviour of staff, managers, and leaders

  • End-to-end service performance

  • Innovation and adaptability

  • Customer centricity

  • Leadership styles

Then, the prognosis considers:

  • Work outcomes for customers

  • Employee performance

  • Job satisfaction

  • Ability to implement quality improvement

  • Areas most in need to change

  • Areas where change is not required

  • Overall organisational adaptability score

How it Works


Using our unique Climetrics® surveying system, our sense and adapt business experts will complete a detailed analysis of your company’s work-climate and provide you with a Climatograph, presenting your work-climate in clear, comprehensive and actionable detail.

From our analysis of your management activities, measurement systems, structures, and delivery capabilities, we will provide you with an individually tailored ‘Adaptability Score,’ indicating how effectively your business can respond to changes in the marketplace to maximise opportunities and differentiation.

Additionally, using Climetrics®, The Sense and Adapt Academy will provide you with a vivid, tangible comparison of where your business is at present and where it needs to be optimised for success in a fast-changing business environment, as well as giving you the guidance and support to achieve it.

Some aspects of nature’s climate take thousands of years to change. Today’s business climates, however, can change overnight. If you want your company to survive in the marketplace, adaptability is essential. If you want to thrive, it’s critical.

Underlying concepts and research areas: Social Exchange Theory, Workplace Reciprocity Studies, Work-Climate and Performance Studies.


Under the terms of a co-existence agreement 2018, both parties wish to make a statement to make it clear while both use the mark Climetrics® each provide very different services.

The registered trademark CLIMETRICS® is owned by Stephen Parry and used by Service Climate Management Ltd, trading as The Sense and Adapt Academy, to diagnose organisational work climates and business adaptability performance ratings.

For transparency and to avoid confusion, please note that the trade mark graphic is owned and used by CDP Europe - Services GmbH for the climate impact rating for investment funds in the European Union.

Neither CDP Europe - Services GmbH nor CDP Worldwide has any relation whatsoever to Service Climate Management Ltd., trading as The Sense and Adapt Academy.